Revitalize Your Neighborhood: The Best Mods for The Sims 2
The Sims 2, despite its age, remains a beloved classic for many Simmers. Its charm, quirky animations, and surprising depth continue to captivate players. But even a great game can benefit from a little extra polish, and that’s where mods come in. The thriving modding community has created a plethora of enhancements, from essential bug fixes to gameplay overhauls. Whether you’re a returning player or a new Simmer eager to explore, here are some of the best mods to elevate your Sims 2 experience:
Essential Fixes & Enhancements:
- The 4GB Patch: This is often the first mod recommended to any Sims 2 player, and for good reason. The Sims 2 was originally designed to use a limited amount of RAM. This patch allows the game to use up to 4GB, significantly improving performance and reducing crashes, especially on modern systems. If you’re experiencing performance issues, this mod is a must-have.
- LazyDuchess’s Graphics Rules Maker: Another crucial mod for modern players. This tool helps the game correctly recognize and utilize your graphics card. This results in better visuals, smoother gameplay, and less graphical glitching. No more Sims with oddly distorted features!
- Sim Shadow Fixes: These are a collection of mods that correct common visual bugs related to shadows and lighting. These make the game look much more polished and visually consistent.
Gameplay Overhauls & Quality of Life:
- InTeenimater: A controversial but popular mod, InTeenimater expands teen gameplay, allowing for more teen-specific interactions, romantic relationships, and even pregnancy. While it drastically changes the game, many players enjoy the added realism and depth. Use with caution and understand its implications!
- ACR (Autonomous Casual Romance): Sick of waiting for your Sims to make a move? ACR introduces more autonomous romantic interactions. Sims are more likely to flirt, date, and even get married on their own. It adds an extra layer of unpredictability and makes relationships feel more organic.
- Story Progression Mods (e.g., Story Progression by Squinge): The Sims 2’s base game doesn’t have much in the way of neighborhood progression. These mods change that, allowing unplayed families to have their own lives, families grow, sims move out and die, just as they would if the player was controlling them.
- Improved Interactions Mods (Various Creators): A range of mods enhance existing interactions, adding new animations, improving logic and making everyday interactions feel more realistic and less repetitive.
- More Buyable Items: Mods from various creators add many new buyable objects to the game that expand upon build and buy mode offerings.
Customization & Creativity:
- Custom Content (CC) & Recolors: While not technically mods, Custom Content and recolors are a huge part of the Sims 2 experience. Players create new clothing, hairstyles, furniture, build items, and so much more, allowing you to customize your game to your heart’s content. Explore sites like Mod The Sims for countless options.
- Camera Mods: Mods like “Better Camera” provide players with new angles and controls for the game’s camera. These allow for more creative filming and screenshots.
- Pose Packs: For those that love taking photos of their sims, pose packs allow players to position their sims in new and interesting ways that would be otherwise impossible.
Where to Find These Mods:
- Mod The Sims: This is a central hub for all things Sims modding.
- Various Blogs and Forums: Search for specific mods you’re interested in; you may find them on personal blogs or specific forums dedicated to The Sims 2.
- Patreon: Some modders support their work through Patreon and may offer exclusive content there.
A Word of Caution:
Before installing any mod, it’s essential to:
- Read the Instructions: Make sure you understand how to install the mod correctly.
- Check Compatibility: Ensure the mod is compatible with your version of the game and other installed mods.
- Backup Your Game: Always backup your save files before making significant changes.
Social Interaction/Romance/Relationship Mods
- ACR (Autonomous Casual Romance): Add more spice and drama concerning romance, while letting your Sims make more of their own choices.
- Auto-Engagement & Auto-Breakup: An add-on module for ACR by LazyDuchess that makes it possible for auto-engagements and auto-breakups to be possible. REQUIRES ACR.
- Adults Go Steady (‘dreadpirate_adultsgosteady_lastnamedialog’): This mod does three things. One: makes it so adults can now go steady like teens. Two: lets you choose the last name for two Sims that have just been married and will present a dialogue asking which last name you’d like the Sim to take. Three: adds a friendly breakup.
- Work & Bring Home Friend Dialog: Prompts you with a dialogue before a Sim tries to bring home a coworker. HERE IS THE SAME MOD BUT FOR SCHOOL.
- More Realistic Relationship Decay: Changes how the EAxis default relationship decay works.
- Macrotastics: Automates tedious and repetitive gameplay, such as motive-maintenance, businesses, socializing, and skillbuilding.
- Ask “Just Be Friends” Social: Allows two Sims to just be friends to cut off any romantic feelings.
- No Auto Talk Through: Prevents sims from autonomously using “talk through” with stuffed animals.
- New Turn Ons: This mod adds four new turn ons/offs to the game. In addition, it fixes quite a few problems with the attraction/chemistry system. I use ‘YoungAdultEducationAliensInfluentialTravelGreatDancerGreatFighter(ReplacesOutfitTurnOns)-UPDATE9’.
Adoption/Baby/Childcare Mods
- Adopt in Poverty: Removes restriction where Sims have $3,000 to adopt children.
- Auto Do Homework: Everyday at 7pm, children and teens will auto do their homework where it is on the lot.
- No Baby Harassing: Are you tired of your sims poking, prodding, badgering, and otherwise harassing your babies and toddlers 57 times an hour? This hack shuts off autonomous baby pestering.
- No Social Worker: Stops social worker taking neglected kids. Adoption is not affected by this patch. Children already born may still be taken away if they are hungry or lonely.
- Teen & Gender Preference Adoption: This mod adds the option to adopt teens from the adoption service, it also allows you to choose your gender preference for toddlers, children, & teens.
- Pregnancy Relationship Change: Causes sims to react negatively to a significant other’s first pregnancy bump if it indicates cheating and they pass a logic check (3+ logic to tell that it was cheating, 7+ logic to identify the person they cheated with and get mad at them also).
- Same Day Adoption: This mod allows you to receive your adopted child the same day you call to adopt via the social worker.
- Monique’s Child Support: Sims not living on the lot with their children must pay child support.
- Quiet Pregnancy: No longer will the baby chimes play when your Sim gets pregnant.
- Baby Hair: Adds cute genetic baby hair to your Sims’ infants so you can see their hair color! You need to visit the comment section and get the bu_hair files.
- Baby Last Name Chooser: You’ll get an additional dialog per baby asking whose last name they should take. Must load AFTER Triplets and Quads mod.
- Alternate Pregnancy Controller Lite: Adds the chance of miscarriage to each pregnancy.
- Young Enough For Pregnancy Fix: Adjusts how far Sims can get pregnant until they age up.
- Crib Animation Teeth Fix: Toddlers teeth won’t drop through their face anymore when in the crib, crying.
Pets Mods
- Kitty/Puppy Pattern Enabler: Enables patterns to show on kittens and puppies.
- Pets at University: Allows university students to adopt pets.
- Rabbits as Pets: Adds rabbits to the game!
- Pets and Toddlers on Vacation: Pretty self explanatory, lets you take toddlers and pets on vacation.
- Allow puppy kitten toddler riders: Permits a puppy or kitten to ride in a vehicle, to walk with you to a community lot, and to travel back home with you. Also has the same effects for toddlers.
- No Pet Obsession: Lowers the fun advertising of interactions between Sims toward Pets (not the other way around). Sims will now get wants related to pets only if they are in their family or if they are friends with the critter, and wants are also dependent on a sims interest in animals.
- Baby Pet Creator: Allows you to ‘Create Puppy/Kitten’ via a statue in Misc./Misc.
Sickness Mods
- Disease Mod: Finetunes and makes sickness more realistic. Adds more factors for a Sims’ disease recovery.
- Grandma’s Comfort Soup: Makes Grandma’s Comfort Soup more realistic in the sense that it doesn’t immediately cure a Sim of sickness, rather, it’s gradual.
- Better Disease Notifications: Whenever a disease’s severity is updated – this happens once every six in-game hours – there are now additional checks that look at the disease’s updated severity level, as well as how well the Sim cared for themselves before the token was updated.
- Antibodies after a Sickness: Make sure to get version that is compatible with the ‘Disease Mod’ from Simler90 (above), ‘BetterDiseaseNotifications-DiseaseMod’.
- PATCH Antibodies After a Sickness: Patch only required if you decide to download BOTH Better DIsease Notifications AND Antibodies after a Sickness mods (above).
Environment, Building/Buy Mods & Defaults
- Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, and Phone Defaults: Replaces the yellow-cream color of the default burglar alarm, fire alarm, and phone to a white color.
- Car Spawn Fire Hydrant: Makes cars drive past the light to make it more lively. HERE IS AN INVISIBLE RECOLOR.
- Default Book Covers and Novel Icons: Replaces the default book covers with updated ones taken from Sims 4.
- Default Mop: Default replaces the mop from base game to a cuter one.
- Maxis Match Lighting Mod: Aims to improve on vanilla Maxis lighting, while at the same time retain its very essence.
- The “CEP” – Color Enable Package: This mod enables colour options for many objects that EAxis shipped in only one colour (e.g. the potty chair, the exercise machines, the photobooth); the CEP also enables colour options for a second part of the object, when Maxis offered only one recolorable part.
- Ceiling Default Replacement: No more popcorn ceilings! Replaced with a flat white ceiling.
- Center Slots for Maxis 2 Tile Tables: Adds a center slot to all of the Maxis two tile tables.
- Roof Trim Defaults: Set of roof trim default replacements with a white Maxis Match trim and grey under eaves.
- Ceiling Light Fix: Alters the mesh of the base game Lunatech ceiling light so that it now sits at a height which ensures it fits into the game ceilings if you own Apartment Life.
- Centerpiece Enabler for Maxis Small Objects: This mod makes nearly all Maxis small objects up to Mansion & Garden Stuff Pack to function as valid centerpieces.
- Rugs – zMOG!! Off Grid: Makes each rug from all EPs and SPs be able to be placed off grid using snapobjectstogrid false. Pay attention to install instructions.
- Freetime Crib Fixes: Sims will no longer stick their arm through the crib.
- Stay Things Shrub UPDATED: Let’s you put down this shrub that causes furniture to stay for the next homeowner upon the home being sold.
- GunMod’s Camera Mod: Allows you to zoom closer and farther away on your Sim. !! This does NOT go in your Mods folder! Install location on post !!
CAS & Defaults
- Baby Bottle Replacement: Changes the green milk to white milk.
- Male Body Hair (Inky-Fish’s Male Body hair): A crate that will allow you to put body hair. Has to be bought in Miscellaneous first, but can be deleted after.
- Clean UI: Changes all the game interfaces to a white, ‘clean’ look. HERE is a tutorial on how to install.
- Default Eyes: Beautiful eyes that replace the EAxis ones.
- Default Skin: The iconic default skin that adds a nice base.
- Default Eyebrows: Natural looking eyebrow replacements.
- Default Face Templates: Replaces the EA face templates so the templates in CAS will be more unique. Make sure you download the fix (linked in the post) to fix templates 21 & 25.
- Default Makeup: Replaces all the base game makeup (as well as OFB).
- Evie’s Equal Genetics: Adjusts genetic rules for eyes and hair, giving more control over in-game births. Recessive traits like green/grey eyes or blonde/ginger hair can appear, even with a parent having dark blue/brown eyes.
- Better Bubbles: Replaces the default blurry low-resolution Chat, Thought and Yell Headline Bubbles.
- Better Computer Screens: Replaces every computer screen with new higher resolution custom graphics.
- Brighter Computer Screens: Brightens up the computer screens.
- No Smiling in CAS: Sims no longer have that constant little smirk while you’re editing the face/hair/makeup in CAS.
- Townie Body Diversity: Whenever the game makes a new townie, it will roll a die to decide whether the townie should be fat, fit or thin. Existing townies won’t be affected – only new townies.
- Wide Buy Plan Outfits: (Post #31) Makes the ‘Plan outfits’ interface wider.
- Gussy Up UPDATED: This mod allows you to buy, change, and plan outfits from a pie menu in-game. Allows you to change townie clothing and change appearance of any Sim directly by clicking on them.
- No Pause Frame: Removes the border around the screen when paused.
- OFB Bouquets Default Replacement: A replacement for OFB craftable bouquets with models from Sims 4.
- Park in the Car Park: This mod updates the driveway objects to allow the placing of them on community lots where they can then be used to park on by Sims driving to that lot.
- Base Game Appliances to White: Makes the various base game appliances to a nice white color instead of that dirty looking creme.
- 24 Sliders: This is a set of 24 new face sliders available to use in Bodyshop, CaS, and the plastic surgery machine.
Gameplay Mods
- CJH Community Time: Sims will no longer come back to the home lot the moment they left. HERE is a patch to fix some issues with this mod.
- Growing Up Wants Panel: This mod changes the rules for receiving want slots, fear slots, and locks. Sims with Gold (or platinum, if you so choose) receive want slots upon age up.
- Desk Locator: Children and teens will place their homework down on their correct desk. This object can be found in Surfaces>Desks.
- Auto Yak-Yak: Automates phone calls and adds a ‘Call Family’ button.
- Bigger Families: Allows an unlimited number of sims on the lot.
- Loan Jar: An object that allows your sims to borrow money as needed.
- Wedding Mat: Allows Sims to wed on a mat (that can be recolored) instead of under an arch.
- Jump Rope Fitness: Jumping rope now builds fitness. The rate is the same as a radio workout.
- Deadly Satellites: Increases the chance of satellite death.
- The Astronomy Mod: Makes Astronomy more fun and dynamic.
- Simply Leftovers: Allows you to put away a group meal as the correct number of single plate portions instead.
- Throw Massive Parties: Let’s you throw larger parties. You can invite as many as you want.
- Interests Overhaul: Changes a bunch of Interest related tunings.
- Enthusiasm Overhaul: Stops interests from changing so easily in relation to hobby activities. They can still change in response to the Predestined/True Hobby.
- Monique’s Hacked Computer: Allows online shopping, Sims to have bank accounts, and much more.
- More Dangerous Fire: Fire spreads faster and destroys quicker. Two flavors to choose from. I use more dangerous.
- Smart Beds: Forces the bed ownership system already in the game to actually work. Sims will autonomously only use the bed they have the most ownership of.
- Smart Beds – Elder Plugin: Makes elders sleep in until 6am so they don’t wake up randomly at 1am.
- Social Welfare: Allows poor, unemployed Sims to apply for welfare.
- Move-in Assets Fixed and Improved: This mod fixes two issues with wrong funds when sims move in by invitation or marriage. It also allows to choose how much money to transfer from split household.
Gameplay Mods:
Adults Go Out
This mod by Lamare alters the Go Out interaction usually only available for teens to enable it for Adults and Elders too. So just like teens, they can now call someone to go out at any time and come back in 4 hours. Whilst away, teens, adults and elders gain social, fun, hunger, bladder (if necessary) and relationship with their friend who picked them up.
Automatic Career&Hobby Card
This mod by ePSYlord removes the prompts you get to answer a chance card, instead the outcome will automatically randomly be decided for you, you can choose whether you want to be informed of the result (the 2nd popup after the choice is made) or not.
Autonomous Romance with No Gender Preference
This mod by Lamare allows autonomous maxis romance interactions for sims with no gender preference. So, townies with no gender preference may now initiate autonomous romantic interactions, effectively deciding their gender preference as whichever gender they first romantically interact with.
Bat Box Major Edit
This is an edit of the Bat Box as a Vase by GrottyDotty which allows you to choose the GPA when giving a sim a major rather than them all getting the highest one. It also allows you to choose from any major you have including custom ones rather than just the maxis ones. It also adds a popup for you to confirm your choice in case you misclicked or changed your mind. It also adds a diploma to the sim’s inventory when a major is selected.
Child Witch – More Maxis Spells Available
This is an addon by Early Pleasantview to the Child/Toddler Witches mod by them and MidgeTheTree, to enable more of the maxis witch spells for children to be able to cast.
Closet Romance Fixes
This mod by Nopke fixes various issues with romantic interactions in a closet. Sims can no longer get pregnant if the Try for Baby interaction failed, so they never actually woohooed. Memories of making out will only be received after the interaction has completed, rather than as soon as it is initiated whether or not it fails. All appropriate wants and memories will actually be granted, rather than some not counting. Observers will no longer get jealous until the interaction actually happens inside the closet rather than as soon as it is initiated. A Sim who is waiting outside a closet for another Sim to romance no longer resets if the other Sim’s interaction queue is empty. Closets no longer spontaneously open after an interaction has failed and nobody got in it.
Curious Chemistry
This is two chemistry-related mods by CuriousB, one is a turn on/off replacement with Trait support. It takes into account Personality, Interests, Skills, Talent Badges, Hobby Enthusiasm and 3t2 Traits, as well as various aspects of life experience (Reputation, Vacations, Pet Friends, Life Skills, Supernatural identity, wealth, academic/career success, etc.). The other mod alters which aspirations are attracted and repulsed to one another and also reduces the contribution aspiration and zodiac have on the chemistry calculation and gives the other attributes more weight. This part is incompatible with my No Zodiac Chemistry. You can use either or both mods together.
Drafting Table Mods
This is a set of mods by me relating to the Architecture Career Reward. Firstly there are 2 mods to choose between, to either make it so that all drafting table interactions build the Tinkering hobby enthusiasm rather than Arts & Crafts, or just the blueprints interaction. There’s also a mod to make it so the drafting blueprints interaction builds mechanical skill instead of creativity. Lastly, there’s a simple text change to reword ‘draft’ to ‘draw’. You can choose whether you want to use 1, 2, or 3 of these mods together.
Even More Computer Interactions (Streaming Update)
A new feature has been added to Meduza’s Even More Computer Interactions mod, which was my idea! Now, sims can stream video games, earning a small hourly income which varies based on many factors – outgoing personality, charisma skill, and some 3t2 traits. Sims will also gain charisma skill while doing this. This was on my wishlist and I’m very grateful to Meduza for making it!
Extended “Tell a Story…” Interaction
This mod by Crisps & Kerosene adds more options to the “Tell a Story…” social menu so that there is now a topic for every hobby. The additional options have also been assigned to an appropriate social group like the original topics, and the ‘economy’ topic is renamed to ‘celebrity’.
Group Warm Up Barre + Couple Exercise Barre + Ballet for All + Changing Bags
This is a set of mods relating to ballet by Pick N Mix. The first is a new longer ballet barre object that 4 sims can use to warm up at the same time. The second is also another new ballet barre object, but this time it’s the same size as the Maxis one but 2 accomplished dancers can use it together to perform ballet exercises. ‘Ballet for All’ adds many new ballet outfits for all age groups, and sims will wear these outfits when using the new ballet barres regardless of their athletic outfit. The Changing Bags are supposed to set the location the sims get changed into their ballet outfit rather than in front of the barre.
Interests Overhaul
This mod by simsfreq does various improved calculations to the interests distribution system. This means sims of the same age group will not have so similar interests, such as adults usually disliking animals etc.
Loads O’ Laundry Addon
This is an addon by originally by Gummi but edited & patched by Meduza to Loads O’ Laundry which makes it so that dressers have a clean laundry count. Getting changed using a dresser will now decrease the count of clean laundry inside the dresser so that your sims will have to do laundry to refill the dressers with clean laundry for the ‘change into’ interaction to actually be available. This adds great immersion, purpose and incentive to the laundry system. Meduza took it a step further, making it so this system will only be in effect if there are laundry items present on the lot just like the rest of the Loads O’ Laundry system. This version also makes you have to check the dresser manually to see the clean clothing count rather than being able to see it in the pie menu. Additionally, Meduza has made several patch combinations to work with many other mods.
Mod ‘ur Date
This is a template extracted from the game by HugeLunatic which allows you to edit your date rewards. You can change which possible gifts you can receive after successful dates.
More immersive pet treats – Giving treats now requires Sims to go out and buy them!
This mod by Gummi adds a new object – a bucket of pet treats. This item must now be present on the lot for sims to be able to give their pets treats. Each time a sim does give a pet a treat, the contents of the bucket will reduce and they will eventually have to buy a new one to be able to give them any more.
No/Reduced Promotion Bonus
This is two mods by latestfire, choose one to either remove promotion bonuses entirely, or to reduce it by half, so they get 1x their usual pay instead of 2x, meaning they bring home 2x their usual salary on promotion day rather than 3x as before. The idea here is that it is actually more profitable to be demoted and re-promoted than continuously promoted, which doesn’t feel right. Plus, less money, more challenge!
No NPC Driver Spawning
This mod by xndrot prevents NPC drivers from spawning. If you install this before your neighborhood has generated any driver NPCs then you will have driverless cars and school buses, but you can install it after you already have a couple generated to prevent anymore from spawning and prevent population growing out of control and neighborhood bloat, and your already existing drivers will continue to fulfill their role.
No Visitor Snacking
This mod by Latestfire prevents guests from helping themselves to food from the fridge under any circumstances. Bare in mind hungry guests tend to leave! If you want to make this smarter rather than preventing it entirely, Nopke has a mod for that.
Sims Salary Bonus Scheme (Buy/Sell Vacations Update)
Pick N Mix’s Sim Salary Bonus Scheme mod has been updated with a new feature which allows you to adjust vacation days, and be able to cash in vacation days, removing them in exchange for money.
TwoJeff’s computer fixes with NO autonomous computer gaming/gaming competitions
This is an edit of the No Autonomy Version of TwoJeff’s Computer Fixes by Antisocial Bunny. It includes all the features of the original, but allows most autonomous interactions (the original banned Chat, Gaming and gaming competitions, Web surfing/blogging, and checking e-mail) except for Gaming and gaming competitions which still aren’t allowed autonomously in this version.
Use Inaccessible Bed + Unmade Bed (Update)
Use Inaccessible Bed is a new mod by Lamare which allows sims to use beds blocked by objects or walls. It uses a jumping animation similar to that used by sofa booths. Lamare’s Unmade Bed mod has been significantly updated too. For one thing, it now optionally completely includes Use Inaccessible Bed, so if you want the features from both mods then download the Unmade Bed version which contains Use Inaccessible Bed rather than downloading Use Inaccessible Bed separately. It has also been completely rewritten so that it now works with any category rather than only sculptures, won’t hide incorrect objects by mistake, and comes with a tool to use to set which bed deco objects should disappear, and whether they can be relaxed on or removed for all bed interactions.
Use Ladder After Chicken Out
This mod by Pick N mix should make it so that sims who chicken out of using a diving board autonomously use a ladder to get in the pool instead.
Vomiting Fixes
This mod by Nopke fixes various issues related to vomiting. If a sim can’t get to a toilet to vomit, they will now vomit on the floor, and the toilet won’t become dirty or broken when a sim tries to route to vomit in it but fails. Sims will only try to choose an owned or communal toilet to vomit in, rather than their apartment neighbors’. Sims will now usually flush the toilet after vomiting into it depending on neatness, instead of never. PlantSims will now lose water when vomiting. A Sim who vomits on the floor due to a voodoo curse now has their comfort or water needs affected, just like in other cases. There is also a version that will make it so that vomiting on the floor actually leaves a puddle, it will look like water but take longer to clean up.
WAY Higher Painting Royalties Mod
This mod by Sago drastically increases the value of a finished painting. This means level 10 painters will be filthy rich!
Woohoo & Make Out Events
These are new memories by ePSYlord which get automatically added. There are 9 new memories: “Had 3/5/10/20 First WooHoos”, “Had 3/5/10/20 Make Outs”, and “Had WooHoo with 5 NPCs”. This basically adds memory milestones which match the wants. The woohoo memories use icons from Nopke’s Beta WooHoo Icon Remake.
The mods and links: 1. Planting Overhaul by lamare and tvickiesims:… Lamare’s fix for pescado’s macrotastics to work with sun&moon crops:… Optional maxis plant defaults I am using by tvickiesims:… 2. Farm Animals by tvickiesims and deedeesims:… 3. Piggy Bank by LimeyYoshi:… Cyjon’s Smarter EP check: Easy Inventory Check by hexagonal-bipyramid:… 4. Sim Bio on tombstone mod by LazyDuchess:… LazyDuchess’ RPC launcher:… Other mods I used in this video: Bootsbrisket Giant Baby suit:… The giant baby “sleeps” in the crib by laying on honeywell’s invisible loveseat omsp! The pillow you click on to sit on the loveseat is hidden under the big dog plushie that is next to the crib:… Time & weather manager by simnopke:… The sim manipulator (scroll to bottom):… The sim blender (pick n’ mix sims edit):… white fence on the house porch is cluedosims recolors of veranka’s 3t2 bakery set:… If you love finding sims custom content and going cc shopping, check out my pinterest where I’ve pinned the cc and mods that I use in my game! you can download the house I used in this video! I uploaded it over at my tumblr:…
New Functional Objects:
Axolotl Pet
This is a conversion from The Sims 4 Lovestruck by Jacky93Sims. The Axolotl pet behaves similarly to an aquarium – sims can watch and feed it, and clean the tank when it gets dirty.
Burger and Fries Digital Menu Board
This is a new menu board by Zena Dew Drop based on fway’s edit of Pick N Mix’s Menu Board but this one is specifically for custom burgers, fries, ice-creams and drinks, simulating a fast food take out. When this is placed on a community lot, sims can order food from this board.
Glowy Dew’s Skincare Functional
This is a little cluster of cosmetic bottles by Jacky93Sims that can be used by sims to apply face masks and eye masks. When they are applied, they perform the same animation as when using Zit Cream, and comfort will increase. When they wash the masks off, hygiene will increase.
Improved Sofa Bed and Chair Bed
This is an updated/re-released mod by Lamare. It adds two new functional pull-out sofas – a sofa bed (double) and a chair bed (single), both based on the IKEA Ektorp set. These can behave like normal armchairs/sofas but a sim can also use a remote to turn them into a bed and use them like an ordinary bed! It has recently had some great fixes and new features added, such as being able to toggle autonomous use of the bed so it will only be available for use when you want it. These are great for having guests stay overnight.
Korean Street Waffle Maker
This is a functional small appliance by Jacky93Sims which can be used by sims with 2 or more cooking skill points to make 4 different waffle recipes.
Milkshaker Functional Appliance
This is another small appliance by Jacky93Sims which sims can use to make 13 different milkshakes at a cost of 10 simoleons each.
Monshine Distiller (moonshine*)
This is a Party object by Jacky93Sims. Teens and older sims can drink a bottle of alcohol from it, costing 10 simoleons each. Fun will increase, but bladder and energy will decrease. If the energy bar is low your sim will have a hangover and faint on the floor and comfort will also decrease.
Nutri-Baby Appliance for Toddler Food
This is yet another functional small appliance by Jacky93Sims which can be used to prepare 5 different food recipes for toddlers. Using it will cost 15 simoleons and two portions of the chosen food will spawn in the sim’s inventory. You can then put them on the floor and direct a toddler to eat it. After the toddler eats it, the plate will be empty and your sims need to dispose of it.
Place Setting Mod
This is a mod by Lamare which allows you to decorate your dining tables with various place settings, with options for them to adjust dynamically. It also comes with a controller object you can use to set other decorative objects on a dining table to only appear when the table is set etc.
Radioactive Barrel
This is an object by Crisps and Kerosene which intermittently emits a modified version of the evil Snapdragon bouquet’s effect. Exposure will cause a sims needs to suffer drastically, make them vomit, and can even kill them. The barrel emits green fumes indicating the noxious effect is active. Sims can view the barrel and gain science enthusiasm, but this is not autonomous. This is a great object for science labs, power plants, and junk yards!
SimSlice Beer Keg Update
This is Gummi’s edit of an old object originally by SimSlice. It is like the fruit bunch barrel, but the drinks are ‘alcoholic’ and make your Sims act drunk. They may throw up, start fights, flirt or propose engagements, and various other social interactions. Gummi has added a much needed family check to the romantic socials so drunken sims can’t flirt with or propose to relatives. The keg is now also refillable, like their refillable fruit punch barrel, so that you don’t have to keep going into buy mode to buy a new one every time it runs out.
Smart Air Fryer Oven + Bear Pastel Pink Oven
These are functional small appliances by renalp96 that can be used to make a selection of logical maxis recipes instead of using the oven or hob.
Stand With Barbells
This is functional gym equipment by Jacky93Sims which sims can use to work out using barbells or dumbbells. Sims will perform great animations and gain fun, body skill points, fitness enthusiasm and lose weight.
Sweet Tooth Ice Cream Machine
This is another functional small appliance by Jacky93Sims which sims can use to make ice cream. Sims use the machine to make the ice cream base for 20 simoleons which then sits in the machine with 6 portions ready to take and this base can spoil if left too long. They can also gain cooking and cleaning skill using the machine. A sim selects from 7 different ice cream flavors when getting their ice cream, so sims can have a different flavor cone from the same mixture. The sims will essentially drink the ice cream and then need to dispose of the paper cup when finished.
Window Pet Bed
This is a custom pet bed by Jacky93Sims unique in that it is above ground and hangs on windows or walls. This unlocks a new potential for space saving since other objects such as a pet food bowl can be placed underneath it and both be usable.
“Patisserie Mini” Pastries Maker
Again with another functional small appliance by Jacky93Sims! With it, your sims can prepare 19 different recipes each costing 10 simoleons: 10 different kinds of Macarons, 5 Madelines, Croissant, Cinnamon Roll, Cheese Pastries and a Caramelized Onion Tart. Every recipe has a required cooking skill in order to cook it: 7 for macarons, 3 for madelines, 6 for croissant, 4 for cinnamon roll, 5 for the cheese pastries and 2 for the onion tart.
Graphics, Audio, UI & Default Replacements:
Add The Sims Bustin’ Out Radio Stations Songs + Add The Urbz: Sims in the City Radio Stations Songs
These two mods by Simon Leon adds music tracks from The Sims Bustin’ Out and The Urbz respectively to the radio stations in The Sims 2.
A Shader Edit/Default Replacement
This is a new Shader Mod by Crisps and Kerosene which allows objects to appear shinier and more reflective and other cool things that I don’t quite understand!
Beta WooHoo Icon Remake + Inconsistent WooHoo Icons Fix
These are two mods by Nopke alter the woohoo icons. The Beta WooHoo Icon Remake replaces the purple heart face with the cheeky ones seen in early images of The Sims 2 in its Beta stage. This also makes the size and shape of the woohoo wants consistent, just like in the Inconsistent WooHoo Icons Fix. So if you want the beta replacement, you don’t need the Inconsistent Fix, but if the Beta icons aren’t for you then you’ll want to get the Inconsistent Fix to improve the consistency across the current icons.
Cat Whisker Fur Accessory
These 3D cat whiskers by Angela Pleasant can be added to cats as a fur accessory, just like the fluffy cheeks and belly fur. The color of the whiskers are based on the base coat color. Optionally, you can replace all of the maxis breeds so that they all have whiskers to begin with so you don’t have to manually add them each time. The best part is that they’re also genetic, so kittens will be born with these adorable whiskers too!
Color Trait Accessories
These are default replacements by EpiSims and PForest for the watering can, Kicky Bag, and Jumping Ropes which dynamically change color based on the sims favorite color trait they have in their inventory.
Evil Aura “Fumes” Effect – Default
This is a default replacement by PForest for the green fumes that surround evil witches. You can choose to make it more subtle which looks great or even invisible.
Filled Snack Bags
This is a mesh default replacement by AppleWS for the bags of chips and cookies that sims can get out of the fridge as a snack. They will actually look filled now, with chips and cookies visibly inside them that go down as the sim eats them. This is also compatible with texture default replacements.
Food Tooltips
This is a UI mod by Lamare which simply shows the name of the food when you hover over a food object whether its out in the world or in the leftovers menu. No more unhelpful ‘Bowl’ tooltip, trying to guess whether that tiny icon is cereal or Mac & Cheese, or struggling to remember what the custom food is you downloaded.
Geometric Plumbob Loading UI Mod
These are two loading screen splash arts by Two Leaf Simmer you can choose between to replace the loading screen, one is designed with the Clean UI in mind and the other is designed with Starship UI in mind.
Handheld Game Device Placeable on Surfaces
This is a mod by me which simply allows the handheld game device to be placed on surfaces like tables, shelves, desks, and end tables, rather than only on the floor. The cellphone and MP3 player can be placed on surfaces already so it didn’t make sense that this can’t be. Note that if you use the Nintendo Switch Default Replacement like I do then it will sink into the surface (just like it sinks into the ground too), but a size 2 OMSP will make it perfect. Also check out the screen recolors I made for it!
Kiosk Replacement
This is a default replacement for the electronics kiosk by LordCrumps. It displays default replacements of the electronics and therefore requires Epi’s Cellphone, VeganKaktus’ Switch Handheld Default Replacement, and Tvickie’s MP3 Player. Note that if the download link appears broken, simply find it on the downloads tab.
Maxis Desert Lot Plants as Neighborhood Plants Default Replacement
This is a default replacement for the neighborhood Joshua Tree, Cactus, and Agave by Dystopia which replaces them with the lot models instead as they are higher quality.
Modern Plumbobs Edit
This is an edit of S1ndle’s Modern Plumbobs by dmckim which replaces the neighborhood view plumbobs with a silvery one instead.
MP3 Player Default: Recolorable iPod Nano OR Graverobber’s MP3 Player Default Edit + Color Traits Support
These are two options for a default replacement of the MP3 Player. The first is by Andreva and is in the style of an iPod Nano and has many different colors and screen art to choose from. The other one is by Tvickiesims, which is an edit of an old one by GraveRobber. This one has color traits support, so the MP3 player will become whatever favorite color the sim has in their inventory. The screen is also animated – it will cycle through various art/’album covers’. This is the one found in the Electronics Kiosk Default Replacement.
No Useless Town Buttons
This is a UI mod by ePSYlord which removes the pointless neighborhood buttons that came with Pets, Freetime and Apartment Life which just gave you a description of the expansion pack. Now, the top bar will be shorter and all the buttons in it will serve a useful purpose like adding subhoods and changing the seasons order.
Orchard Trees Default Replacement – Sims 4 Style Version
This is a default replacement for the apple, lemon and orange orchard trees by TvickieSims with a Sims 4 style version. I think they look amazing even if your other trees aren’t defaulted with Sims 4 conversions. But, if the style isn’t for you then TvickieSims has an older, more Maxis-match semi-realistic version. Unfortunately neither of these defaults currently replace Aysarth’s Peach & Pear and Cherry Trees, but the semi-realistic version blends in a little better beside them.
Toddler Bowls by Color Traits
This is a default replacement for the bowls toddlers are served in high chairs by Epi, its a smoother model with a much cuter design, and also changes color based on the toddler’s favorite color!
Toddler Mush Visual Fixes
This mod by Nopke fixes various issues with the food toddlers are served in a high chair. The bowl is no longer duplicated when there’s mush in it. If a Sim picks up an empty toddler bowl to clean it up, it remains empty, rather than a bowl full of mush appearing on top. Once a toddler has eaten half of the mush, the amount of it visually decreases – just like other foods. The half-eaten state isn’t originally used.
UI Edit for Purists
This is a collection of UI mods by ePSYlord which removes many buttons and UI elements from the game. This may be desirable if you wish to keep all expansion packs installed for their catalog content but don’t actually want to interact with the pack’s features such as sending sims to college, going on vacation, and much more. It also optionally hides the aging meter so you don’t know how long a sim has left.
Voodoo Doll Default
This is a default replacement by PForest for the Mr.Mickles Voodoo Doll you can get from the Twikkii Island hidden lot. Its higher quality and creepier, and has 3 lovely designs to choose between.
Wall Speaker Overhaul
This mod by MorePopcorn replaces the home & community lot wall speakers with a higher quality model converted from The Sims 4. What’s great about this is that they are no longer vibrantly colored based on the music genre. They are all black with a subtle band indicating the genre, and there’s some lovely recolors too. It also adds two additional community speakers for the missing genres, Jazz and College Rock as they previously didn’t have one.
Sims 2 Hospital Mod Overview
- important links: jellymeduza’s hospital mod edit:
- nyami’s cleaned up hospital mod:
- hospital mod description:…
- my hospital themed pinterest board:
- hospital mod collection file:
Occult (Bigfoot, Werewolf) Mods
- Bigfoot Romance: An edited version of the original Bigfoot romance mod that allows Bigfoot to fall in love with regular Sims, as well as have babies. You only need this mod, not the original as well.
- Bigfoot Defaults – Eye Love: Default eye replacements for the legend, Bigfoot.
- Bigfoot gets sewing/pottery badges: Makes spawned Bigfeet start with gold badges in pottery and sewing, just like naturally made ones.
- Familial Bigfoot: Lets you have Bigfeet of all ages and both genders. MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR LOAD ORDER LISTED ON THE POST, AS THIS MOD HAS SEVERAL CONFLICTS.
- Werewolf Personality: Rather than continuously changing personality forever, giving all werewolves the same personality, this mod changes personality only through the first 20 transformations.
- Creature Fixes: Fixes for all of the supernatural and assorted creatures from the base game to AL.
- Hereditary Supernaturalism: Occult status can now be inherited from parent to child.
- No Alien Sexism: Allows both female and male abductees to get pregnant from alien probing.
- New Pollination Technician: Changes what the alien pollination technician replacement looks like.
- Bigfoot Semester Changes: Makes Semester Changes (under the ‘College Mods’ section) work with Bigfoot. MUST load after Cyjon’s mod AND after the Bigfoot mods.
Manipulator “Controller” Mods
- Lamare LTW Chooser: Allows you to freely choose a Sim’s lifetime wish without being restricted to the ones available just for their aspiration.
- FFS Debugger: Provides options to fix several bugs, glitches, and other issues. Tons and tons of debugging options.
- Auto Saver: Creates a dialog that pops up asking if you wish to save your game.
- Bathroom Uses YOU!: Adds a toilet paper roll (with a hammer and sickle) that helps with bathroom door clogs. Has a nice feature that ejects a Sim immediately once they have done their business. Here’s more recolors.
- Cyjon’s Debugger: A general purpose object, meant to compliment items like Pescado’s batbox. Can be found in Buy Mode under Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous as the pizza box.
- Sim Blender: The ultimate Sim management “God” mod.
- Sim Manipulator: I use it for the ability to instantly change clothes to a different outfit or plan outfits by clicking on a Sim, and to make non-playable Sims easily selectable, but it has MANY more options.
- Visitor Controller: Control which Sims are allowed to visit certain lots. Ban Sim from lots based on gender, aspiration, career, gender preference, and many other characteristics. Also allows you to ban Crumplebottom, Unsavory Charlatan and other annoying NPCs.
- Sims 2 RPC: A custom Sims 2 Launcher with quality of life changes, firstborn syndrome fix, better graphics and more! INCOMPATIBLE AS OF RIGHT NOW WITH SIMS 2 LEGACY RE-RELEASE. CREATOR HAS STATED THEY WILL FIX.
College Mods
- No College Time Progression On Community Lots: Prevents the college timer from progressing on community college lots and allows it to progress on all residential lots.
- There Can Be Only One (Professor): Game will generate one rather than two professors for each major. Gender will be random.
- Stinky Dormie Fix: Will stop dormies from doing an assignment when what they really need is a shower.
- Young Adult Walk Fix: Fixes the Young Adult walk style so they walk normally. Fixes the Lazy sim idle animations to remove the gorilla slouch as well as the ‘slow spin’ clothes changing routine.
- Later Classes: Moves all morning university classes later in the day so no class starts before noon.
- Semester Changes: Substantially changes how the university works so it is more bearable and closer to being on the same schedule as the rest of the sims in your game.
- Revised Majors: All the university majors have been revised so that they are actually relevant to careers.
- Young Adults Can Enjoy Maternity (and all that): Umbrella category mod that includes: aging at university, pregnancy at university, alien pregnancy at university, adopting at university, school buses at university, and a fix for the University Greek houses. MUST HAVE MATERNITY CLOTHES FOR YA
- Smarter choice of parent for entering college cinematic: Unmodded, the game always chooses the sim with the lowest neighbor ID to be in the cinematic. This fixes it so it’s relationship based instead of Sim ID based.
Aging Mods
- Custom Age Span: Links to PleasantSims’ fantastic video on how to setup a custom agespan. My agespan goes as follows: Baby – 2 Days, Toddler – 4 Days, Child – 8 Days, Teen – 10 Days, Adult – 45 Days. Everything else is left at default.
- Age Up at Midnight: Ages Sim up at midnight instead of 6pm. !! DO NOT USE THIS MOD IF YOU USE A CUSTOM AGE SPAN (ABOVE) !! Instead, you can edit the ijAgecons.package according to the description on this MTS post.
- NPC Aging: NPC Sims on the active lot will age up one day at 6:00 PM, but only if they are ON the active lot. Does not impact playables.
- Smart Age Correct: Corrects ages in ‘hood to go along with your own custom agespan.
Career Mods
- Jobs in Uni For All: Jobs on campus for Sims and pets.
- Choose Career Type: Allows you to choose between part-time work or full-time work.
- Young Adults Want and Fear Work: Young adults can have wishes and fears about work: find a job, go to work, get a promotion, etc.
- Part & full time careers mutually satisfy wants: Getting a part-time job satisfies a want to get a full-time job in a corresponding career and vice versa.
- Business Runs YOU!: Automates a lot of Sims 2 business processes, including: managing the employees, making them take breaks automatically, giving them reasonable wages automatically, so that your sims can spend time actually running their business instead of micromanaging the dumb employees so they don’t ragequit. Here’s the invisible recolor for the hammer and sickle.
- Professional Blogger: Sims can make money from blogging on the computer.
- Job Level Labels: With this mod you can quickly see what level your Sim is in their career. In addition the number shows up when you are job searching.
- Anti-Redundancy: Eliminates spawning of unnecessary, redundant NPCs. Should only spawn one per type, more only if needed because the first is unavailable.
- Child Computer Chat: The computer chat menu displays two submenus: Child (all the children online) and Adult (teens, adults and elders online). Access to the separate chat rooms is no longer restricted by the age of the user.
- Coffee Cup Hack: Sims will no longer walk a mile to find a surface to place down their coffee cups. If no surface is nearby, they will just drop it.
- Community Lot Parties: Allows you to throw parties on community lots.
- Sims 2 Wants Tree Fix: Replaces the vanilla wants to allow Sims to roll for the broken EAxis divorce want. MAKE SURE TO PUT IN TSDATA/RES/WANTS FOLDER!!
- Day Setter: Vase to change the day of the week it is. I use to sync rotations between households if something gets out of whack. Found under Misc/Misc.
- Seasons and Weather Controller: Allows you to change the length of the seasons, but also has other season and weather-related uses.
- Age Transition – Teens Keep Loves: Stops teens from losing their crushes/loves when age transitioning to adult/YA.
- Apartment Life Fixes: Fixes a ton of Apartment Life related bugs.
- Apartment Life UI Text Fonts Fix: Fixes UI text fonts issues brought on by AL.
- Baby Wants Fix: Having a baby will also satisfy the Adopt a child want, if it is present. Vice versa, adopting a child (any age) will also satisfy the have a baby want.
- Caged Pets Fixes: Fixed random bird death bug and other annoyances and bugs related to the birds and womrats.
- Talk More, Eat Less: This hack will bypass the conversation if the Sim is in desperation for energy, hunger, fun or bladder, or is in a bad mood. Sims with maxed social will talk less.
- Apology Fury Fix: Apology will reduce furiousness, as it was originally supposed to. Requires Smarter EP Check.
- Call NPCs: Reverts a “fix” made in FreeTime that prevents sims from calling almost all NPCs.
- Relationship Decay Fix: Fixes bug which causes game to error out when calculating the 4 pm relationship decay on very large families.
- More Sleep: Players can direct sims to sleep at night, even if the sim is not tired.
- Townie Apartment Residents: Apartment neighbors and roommates will be chosen from the townie pool rather than social groups.
- Trim Inaccessible Bushes: Allows sims to trim bushes even if they can’t reach them.
- Community Lot Skilling: Controlled sims, NPCs, and townies may gain skills while visiting community lots, including non-college community lots.
- Creativity Gain Enabled For Blogging & Diary: This mod allows sims to gain creativity skill while blogging/writing in their diary.
- No Pet Job Wants: Disables the pets job wants.
- Water Incessible Flowers: Allows you to water all flowers regardless of their location on the lot, including completely inaccessible or blocked ones.
- Don’t Wave At Me: Stops the turn, face camera, wave at you obnoxious thing when things go wrong.
- Engagement Memory Fix: Fixes a bug that can cause a sim to get the wrong (bad/good) type of engagement memory.
- Find A Mate Crystal Ball: Summon the power of the Gypsy’s crystal ball, without having to deal with the old bat. Tell the ball what type of sim you are looking for and get a choice of the 5 matching sims in the hood that have the highest chemistry.
- Finicky Pet Fix: Fixes a bug which causes finicky pets to refuse to eat from a food bowl until they are near starving to death.
- Front Door Hack: Delivery persons should no longer be drawn to the inaccessible door. Garage doors are not considered front doors regardless of level.
- Met New Great-Grandchild Memory: Sims will get a custom memory when they have great-grandchildren, similar to the one they get when they have grandchildren
- Random Stereo Station: A mod that makes newly bought stereos choose a random station when being turned on for the first time instead of always choosing salsa.
- Secondary Aspiration Attraction: Adjusts the attraction score between two Sims by taking into account their secondary aspirations.
- Business Having No Customers Fix: Fixes an error concerning Sims 2 businesses and customers not showing up. SCROLL DOWN TO POST #7 TO FIND DOWNLOAD.
- Waiter NPC Outfit Fix: If a waiter/waitress has body type #2, their outfit will no longer glitch.
- No Mr. Humble: Makes Humble Computer buyable. Gets rid of the actual Rod Humble visitation.
- No Stray Respawn: Prevents strays from respawning. Stray animal population will only grow or shrink as a result of your actions.
- Sim Shadow Fix: Fixes blocks under Sims feet from outdated graphics.
- Watch TV from all chairs: Edits the angle and distance at which a Sim can watch TV.
- Woohoo Count Fix: Fixes a problem with woohoo count. If a Sim has woohooed with the same sim multiple times in different types of woohoo, the game will now consider that as having woohooed with only one sim.
- Woohoo LTW Fix: Stops the woohoo LTW from disappearing after being achieved.
- Date/Outing Stood Up Fix: This mod fixes the broken timer behavior for standing dates/outings up.
- Sim Transparency Fix: This mod will prevent Sims from randomly getting broken transparency.
- Gardener Invasion Fix: Fixes a serious bug that occurred when a gardener couldn’t get out of a car. The game will no longer create an infinite number of gardeners who will invade your house and bloating your game files.
- Adult/Elder Tent Woohoo Fix: EAxis messed up and made it so adults could only woohoo with other adults in tents, and elders with other elders. Now adults and elders can woohoo each other in tents if the other requirements are met.
- Same Sex Marriage: Replaces ‘joined’ to be ‘married’ for sex same couples.
- No Corrupt Death: Suppresses the corrupt death memory.
- No Sim Loaded: Removes the “Sim Loaded” token and others every time you load a lot, preventing lag, and also prevents and fixes the Super Duper Hug Bug.
- No Unlinkage On Urnstone Delete: Game no longer partially destroys sim file on deletion of tombstone. May resolve potential random tombstone losses when moving tombstones to community lots resulting from shredded character files produced by unlinkage.
- Outdoor Lights All Night: Outdoor lights will stay on until 7 am rather than 2 am.
- Smarter Chair Selection: Sims are smarter about choosing where to sit during activities like reading and eating pizza.
- Smarter EP Check: Creates a new, more robust and accurate Expansion Pack and Stuff Pack check.
- Smarter Privacy: Sims are smarter about bathroom and woohoo privacy, ignoring unshooable or irrelevant sims.
- Fix subhood selection: These mods will allow you to select from a list of downtowns and shopping districts, by removing the large button which prevents the display of the entire list.
- Townie Budget Mod: Townies can no longer buy items they can’t afford at businesses, eat at restaurants if they have no money, etc.
- Walkbys Behave: Makes the Sims walking by stop being annoying (ie. stop stealing newspaper, kicking over trash, etc.).