Core Feature:

This mod adds ‘ Say Something…. ‘ special social interactions. These special interactions prompt you to write what your sim is saying to the other sim.
– Say something Friendly
– Say something Funny
– Say something Mean
– Say something Mischievous
– Say something Flirty
– Say something Sad
– Say something Embarrassing
– Say something Happy
As the Sims start to animate, you write what your sim is saying.

You will see a notification of your sim saying what you typed as the Sim do their animations for the interaction (which depend on the category).
You can also make non-played Sims say something.

This is fun for players who like to tell stories with lots of screenshots or like to write things out.
Optional Features:

1. Moodlet Reactions
– The sim talked to reacts to the interaction with a moodlet that depends on the interaction category used, positive if the interaction succeeds, negative otherwise. There are two possible moodlet variations for each case for ‘Say something Flirty’.

– Your sim has a chance to get a general positive or negative moodlet regarding their communication as well.
2. Recall-Based Reactions

With this feature, Sims can “remember” what they were told last, and react to it later – in phone calls (more avenues will be added later if I find the time!).
3. Immediate Notification Reactions

With this feature, Sims who are told something might make an answer notification at the end of the interaction.
What they can say comes from presets; possible answers are selected depending on the category of interaction your sin used and the reaction the listener had.
4. Readable Record

Optionally, you can have a record of what you made your sims say. You can turn on the setting to do so. If it’s on, everything you write for your sims to say will be recorded to a file in your Mods Folder. You can read or consult it whenever.