Road to Wealth
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- More Info about Road to Wealth
The road to Wealth mod adds a Net Worth system to your game. Depending on your Sims net worth (property value + cash) they will automatically receive a trait and the trait will also be automatically updated when your Sim goes into another class. The five traits are: poor, lower class, middle class, upper class, and wealthy.
The new traits have also been added to preferences, so your Sim can like or dislike a certain net worth class. If they are in a net worth class they don’t like they will receive negative buffs and if they are in a net worth class they do like they will receive positive buffs. Also, it is harder to make friends with Sims who are in a net worth class your Sim dislikes and easier with Sims who are in a net worth class your Sim does like.
Not only does this mod add a net worth system it also adds more ways for your Sims to spend or earn money:
- They can now go on activities, by themselves or with friends and family.
- They’ll have to pay an entrance fee on certain lots that have the new lot challenge activated: Entrance Fee.
- They can purchase memberships, so they don’t have to pay the entrance fee anymore. These memberships will last 7 or 14 days.
- They might receive scam calls where they either loose or win a lot of money.
- They can take out a loan. Paying back the loan works the same as the Discovery University loan system, but the system has been made Base Game Compatible and has become less buggy.
- Poor and lower class Sims can now search for money on certain furniture items.
- Instead of selling all your inventory items directly in the inventory your Sims can now sell their items at the new stores. The interaction can be found in the shopping tab on their phone or computer. Not only can your Sims sell their items at these store they can also purchase item from these stores.
- And there is also a new aspiration available: Road to Wealth.
- Lot Prices: changes the price of each lot in game. You can choose to have them all as §0 or the original price x 5 or x 10.
- Adoption & Animals: changes the prices of all adoptions and animals (except for goats, sheep, cows, llamas, and chickens). Also, animal food has become more expensive.
- Starting Funds: changes the amount of money a new household starts with. Your Sim will have to pay back this money. It’s a loan!
- Diaper & Bottle: adds pricing to each diaper change and each bottle feed. Cloth diapers and breastfeeding is free.
- Reward Store: adds 50% of the original price to any rewards store item. For example if it costs 2000 it will now cost 3000.
- Science Baby: makes having a science baby a lot more expensive!
- Services: all services have now become more expensive. This includes massages, manicures, and pedicures.
- University: All university classes have become more expensive.
Then this mod also comes with a few optional files. All these optional files are optional and the reason they are optional is because they are either overrides or they require DLC.