
The Sims: Legacy Edition and The Sims 2: Legacy Edition game control guide

ปุ่มควบคุมการดำเนินการในเกม The sims Legacy Edition

Need a little help getting back into The Sims 1? It’s been a while, so here’s a guide to PC controls to help you get going.

the sims 1 game controls

General controls

Alt + EnterCycle Screen Resolution Scaling
Ctrl + Shift + C Toggle cheats window on/off
F1Live Mode
F2Build Mode
F3Buy Mode
F4Enter camera mode (snapshot)
Enter or SpaceAccept dialog
Y/NSelect Yes or No option in dialog
Ctrl + S Save game
Alt + F4 Save quit
Ctrl + C  Copy text fields
Ctrl + XCut text fields
Ctrl + V Paste text fields
Ctrl + Z  Undo text fields
Ctrl + Y Redo text fields

House controls

Page Up/Page DownNext/previous floor
Home/EndNext/previous wall mode
TabSwitch floors

Camera movements

+/- or mouse scroll wheelZoom in/out
 </> or Shift + Arrow keys Rotate left/right
Right-click and/or drag or Alt + mouse or  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → Move camera

Build/Buy Mode controls

F2 or double left-click Buy Mode buttonToggle sorting objects by type or room
</> or left-click and dragRotate objects
Delete Delete object
Hold Shift + left-clickPlace multiple of the same object continually (Buy Mode only)
Z/XScroll between pages in catalog
Wall/fence tool: Shift + dragCreate a room/fenced area
Wallpaper/flooring tool: ShiftFill room with wallpaper/flooring
Left-click and/or dragPlace walls, fences, floor tiles, wallpaper and pools. Drag to place multiple.
Ctrl + left-click and/or dragRemove walls, fences, flooring, wallpaper, and pools. Drag to remove area.
Terrain tool: Ctrl  + left-clickCreate or remove curved hills (terrain)
Terrain tool: Shift and or Ctrl + left-clickInverts direction of tool, can also invert creation of curved hills (terrain)
Grass tool: Ctrl + left-clickRemove grass

Live Mode controls

F1 or double left-click Live Mode buttonHide/show main panel
Left-click Sim or object then left-click or right-clickSelect and perform interaction
Left-click + drag + releaseClick and drag to select interaction, then release
Left-click another SimSelect interactions done by active Sim to other Sims
Space or N Switch to next Sim in Household
Left click Sim portrait or right-click SimSwitch to (specific) Sim
Right click Sim portraitLock camera to Sim
Enter or left-click active Sim portraitCenter camera on active Sim
Ctrl + left-click Sim portraitEdit Sim biography
P or ~ Pause game
1 /2/3Regular/fast/ultra speed

Camera mode

F4 Enter Camera Mode (snapshot)
Ctrl  +  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → Adjust snapshot area
Drag mouseSelect area to snapshot
Left-click mouseTake snapshot

Misc shortcuts

AToggle anti-aliasing
TShow framerate in-game
SToggle shadows
VDisplay build version of the game
F5Access settings/options in-game
F7SimsWebCam/Stalker camera (removed in later expansions)

The Sims 1 cheats

To open the cheat bar in The Sims 1:

  1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + C.
  2. Type in the cheat code you want to use and select Enter.

Here are some of the most common cheats for The Sims 1.

autonomy (0-100)Sets the Sim’s free-thinking or IQ level
bubble_tweak (number)<Z offset> Sets, in pixels, how far from a Sim’s head the thought bubble appears
draw_all_frames onEnables draws all frames 
draw_all_frames offDisables draws all frames
draw_floorable onEnables floorable grid
draw_floorable offDisables floorable grid
historySaves family history file. Find where the game is installed under FamilyHistory.txt
interestsDisplays the interests of selected Sim
log maskSets events logging mask
move_objects onTurns on ability to move any object 
move_objects off Turns off ability to move any object 
nessieBrings up the Loch Ness monster on the Downtown, Old Town, and Vacation neighborhood view
prepare_lotFixes required Lot objects 
rosebudIncreases Household funds by 1,000 Simoleons
rotation (0-3)Rotates camera 
set_hour (0-23)Sets the hour of the day
sim_log beginStarts Sim logging
sim_log endStops Sim logging
sim_speed (-1,000 to 10,000)Sets gameplay speed

ปุ่มควบคุมการดำเนินการในเกม The sims 2 Legacy Edition

Need a little help getting back into The Sims 2? It’s been a while, so here’s a guide to PC controls to help you get going.

the sims 2 game controls

General controls

Alt + EnterCycle Screen Resolution Scaling
 Ctrl + Z  Undo
 Ctrl + Y Redo
 Ctrl + Shift + C Toggle cheat window on/off
 F10 Hide/Show UI (User Interface)
F1 Live Mode 
F2Buy Mode
F3Build Mode
 F4 Story Mode
 F5 Options panel
 Q  Quit
Alt + F4 Save quit
 Ctrl + C Copy text fields
 Ctrl + X  Cut text fields
 Ctrl + V  Paste text fields
 Ctrl + Z Undo text fields
 Ctrl + Y Redo text fields

Create a Sim controls

< / >  or left-mouse-click+ drag SimRotate Sim
 Z / X  or  + / – or scroll-mouse-wheelZoom in/out

Build/Buy Mode controls

< / >  or right-clickmouse + dragRotate object
 Delete Delete object
 Shift + left-clickmouseContinue placing object
 [ / ] Move object up or down wall
 M Move/shuffle object on shelves
 < / >  or right-clickmouse + dragRotate object
 Delete Delete object
Left-clickmouse + or dragUse tools, drag to affect area
 Ctrl + left-clickor drag mouseRemove walls etc, drag to remove area
 R Design tools
Wall tool:  Shift + drag mouseCreate room
Wallpaper/flooring tool: Shift + drag mouseFill room with wallpaper/flooring
Floor tool: < / > Rotate floor tile
 Ctrl + F Toggle full/quarter tile mode
Wall tool: Shift + drag mouseCreate room
 L Toggle Day/Night
 G 45-degree view
 T Top-down View
Terrain tool: Shift Invert tool
Grass tool: Ctrl + left-click mouseRemove grass

Movie Making Mode controls

Tab Enable movie making mode
 V Start/end video capture
 B Pause/resume video capture
 Q Lower camera height
ERaise camera height
 Z  /  X  or  +  /  – Adjust focal length
 C Take a snapshot

Live Mode controls

F1 or left-clickmouse on Live Mode buttonHide/show main panels
Right-clickmouse after selectionCancel interaction
Left-clickmouse + drag and or releaseClick and or drag to select interaction, then release
Left-clickmouse active SimSelect interactions to perform to active Sim
Left-clickmouse another SimSelect interactions done by active Sim to other Sims
Select interaction menu:  Tab Navigate between dialog pages (pie menu pages)
 Space or N Switch to next Sim in Household
Left clickmouse on Sim portrait or right-click mouse on SimSwitch to (specific) Sim
Right clickmouse on Sim portraitLock camera to Sim
 Enter Center camera on active Sim
 P or ~ or Pause Break Pause game
 1 /2/3 Regular/fast/ultra speed
 Page Up/Page Down Next/previous floor
 Home/End Next/previous wall mode
Right clickmouse and/or drag or  Alt  +mouseMove
 ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  →  W  /  A  /  S  /  D Move left/right/forward/back
 Shift  +  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → Move faster
 Z/X or  + / – or scroll mouse wheelZoom in/out
 Ctrl + right-clickmouse or middle-clickmouse) + dragTilt (rotate)
 < / > Rotate left/right
 Ctrl + 4 through 9 Save camera position 0 – 5
 4 through 9 Restore camera position 0 – 5
 Shift + 4 through 9 Snap to camera position 0 – 5
 Tab Toggle movie making mode/camera

The Sims 2 cheats

To open the cheat bar in The Sims 2:

  1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift +C.
  2. To activate cheats, type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true into the cheat bar and select Enter.
  3. Type in the cheat code you want to use and select Enter.

Here are some of the most common cheats for The Sims 2.

addNeighborToFamilyCheat on|offEnables adding neighbors to families
ageSimsCheat on/offEnables/disables Sim aging cheat
aging on/offTurns on/off the aging of selected Sim 
aspiration level (0–5)Sets the Aspiration level of Sim from 0–5
aspirationPointsGives the selected Sim extra Aspiration reward points
autoPatch on/offEnable/disable checking for available patches through content browser
boolprop testingcheatsenabled trueEnables testing cheats
boolprop lotTerrainLighting on/offSet to off means Lots won’t light up when highlighted in neighborhood
boolprop locktiles on/offSet to off to place floor tiles outside Lot
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel on/offSet to off to remove bridges from neighborhood
boolprop lotTerrainPaints on/offSet to off to remove floor painting on Lot
boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps on/offSet to off to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood
boolprop objectShadows on/offSet to off to remove shadows on objects outside house
boolprop lotWater on/offSet to off to remove water (ponds) from Lots
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads on/offSet to off to remove roads from neighborhood
boolprop guob on/offSet to off to remove shadows on objects inside house
boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater on/offSet to off to remove water from neighborhood
boolprop displayLotImposters on/offSet to off to remove house graphics from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora on/offSet to off to remove trees/plants from neighborhood
boolprop displayLookAtBoxes on/offSet to on and blocks appear on Sim’s faces and on parts where Sims look
boolprop carsCompact on/offSet to on and cars will have more detail in neighborhood
boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel on/offSet to on and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim
boolprop allObjectLightsOn on/offSet to on to light up objects continuously instead of only when used
boolProp displayPaths on/offSet to on to see the path where the selected Sim walks to
boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode on/offSet to on to show Lot information
bloom [R G B X]Changes color of screen visual. RGB is color [0,1], and X is the bloom amount [0,1]
bugJarTimeDecay on/offToggle if bugs in a jar can live forever or not
changeLotClassification low | middle | highChanges the Lot classification
changeLotZoningChanges the zoning type of the Lot. Type in cheat code followed by the new Lot type with no spaces, for example: changeLotZoning secretvacationlot will change the Lot type to a secret vacation Lot.Available Lot types: residential, community, greek, dorm, secretsociety, secretvacationlot, hotel, secrethobbylot, apartmentbase, apartmentsublot, secretwitchlot 
clearLotClassValueClears Lot class value and override flag
deleteAllAwningsRemoves awnings
deleteAllCharactersDeletes all characters in the current neighborhood—this also only works when in the neighborhood
deleteAllFencesRemoves all fences
deleteAllHalfwallsRemoves all half-walls
deleteAllObjectsRemoves all objects
deleteAllDoorsRemoves all doors that can be deleted when in Build Mode
deleteAllWallsRemoves all walls that can be deleted when in Build Mode
disablePuppyKittenAging on/offEnables/disables kitten/puppy aging
dumpNPCCountThis shows the NPC type in the neighborhood, by type, in the cheat console
exitHide the cheat console window
expandExpands or contracts the output portion of the cheat console
faceBlendLimits on/offTurns on/off blending limits
familyFundsUse familyFunds [familyName] [value] to set the amount of funds. Use familyFunds [familyName] [+/-][value] to add/subtract from current funds.
filmGrain [X]X is the film grain value [0,1]. Must use ‘boolProp enablePostProcessing true’ first.
forcetwinsSets pregnant Sim to have a twin pregnancy
helpThis displays help for cheats. Type help -all into the cheat bar and hit Enter. This will bring up all known cheats and describe what they do.This also works for individual cheats, for example, type in help motherlode and it will describe what this cheat does. 
individualRoofSlopeAngleSlope Angle in Degrees [15–75] (45 is default)
kachingIncreases Household funds by 1,000 Simoleans
letterBox [X]Letterbox the screen (add black borders on top and bottom). X is the letterbox value [0,0.4]. Must use ‘boolProp enablePostProcessing true’ first.
lockAspiration on/offLocks/unlocks the Aspiration score of Sims on the Lot
motherlodeIncreases Household funds by 50,000 Simoleans
modifyNeighborhoodTerrain on/offToggle neighborhood terrain modification. Use the cursor to select terrain and then press:p to smooth[ to raise] to lower\ to level
motiveDecay on/offTurns motive decay on/off for all Sims on the Lot
PlumbBobToggleToggle the showing of PlumbBob
roofSlopeAngleSlope Angle in Degrees [15–75] (45 is default)
setHighestAllowedLevel [level]Sets the highest number of floors that can be built
setHour (0–23)Sets the hour of the day
setLotLightingFile [filename.txt] or [clear]Override some of the parameters in the lighting.txt file with filename.txt file present in lights folder, clears if any file is present
setQuarterTilePlacement on/offTurns quarter tile placement on/off
showHeadlines on/offShows/hides all thought bubbles and speech balloons
slowMotion (0–8)Slows the animation timer (0=normal speed)
stretchSkeleton [Factor]Stretches skeleton of the selected Sim – factor=1.0 indicates no stretch (factor<1.0 makes shorter, factor>1.0 makes taller
textDebugging [True|False]Turns text debugging on/off
unlockCareerRewardsUnlocks all career reward objects for the selected Sim
vignette [centerX centerY X]Blur rendering from specified center (upper left is 0,0, lower right is 1,1). X is the amount of blurring [0,1]. Must use “boolProp enablePostProcessing true” first.
vsync on/offEnables/disables vertical sync —can improve performance, but will sometimes cause visual artifacts if off

All boolprop cheats that use on/off can also be used with true/false.



